Hulu released a trailer for their final Marvel Comics series, Helstrom, during the San Diego Comic-Con virtual panel of the transmission network. The show is based on the Marvel Comics character Daimon Hellstrom, originally known as the Son of Satan.
Helstrom (an L) seems to be minimizing the demonic connection, at least at first. The show follows Daimon (Tom Austen) and Ana (Sydney Lemmon), adult children of a serial killer who now spend their time as detectives who hunt down murderers and demons. The first look at the series showed Daimon and Ana visiting their mother, who has been institutionalized in a very Hannibal Lecter-style setting.
Created in 1973 by Gary Friedrich and Jim Mooney, Daimon Hellstrom (two Ls) was part of a wave of hidden-theme titles in Marvel Comics that was made possible by the weakening of the power of the Comics Code Authority. The CCA, an industry censorship board not unlike the MPAA, had previously banned all mentions of the occult, including vampires, werewolves, religious figures, etc., in the comics. Helstrom began the fictional life as the son of the true Satan, but his father was later reconciled for having been, you know, a regular throat-eating demon.
Helstrom will hit Hulu on October 16, 2020, for a series of 10 episodes. For now, it’s the latest Marvel TV series in the works that isn’t intended for a release on Disney Plus.