Scott Atlas: Trump urges coronavirus adviser Michigan to ‘rise’ against new Covid-19 measures.

“This is the only way if people stand up,” Atlas said. “You get what you accept. #Freedommeters #stepup”

His message – which goes against the consensus of public health officials – is that of the White House and the Michigan Democratic Governorate. Gretchen is likely to escalate new tensions between Whitmer, whom federal and state officials announced last month that was a target of alleged domestic terrorism. Kidnapping conspiracy.

“We know the White House prefers to isolate us here, especially in Michigan. I will not blame grandparents for not following respected scientists and medical professionals.”

Instead, Whitmer said, he takes the advice of people who have actually studied this and are respected around the world on these issues, not – not the person bidding for the presidency. “

Whitmer announced at a news conference early Sunday that Michigan would begin a “three-week break targeting indoor social gatherings and other group activities” to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

“If everyone took part, we would see a big benefit from it,” he told Blitzer about the new measures. “But we will evaluate every step of it.”

During an epidemic, whitewash is the center of extreme vitriol of far-right groups. His alleged abduction includes plans to overthrow several state governments, according to a federal criminal complaint that the suspects are believed to be violating the U.S. Constitution.

Still, he joins the slate of officials who are tightening their restrictions as the coronavirus case progresses.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, more than 11 million coronavirus cases were transmitted in the United States on Sunday. U.S. The latest milestone comes six days after one crore cases were registered.

Since the outbreak began, U.S. One million new cases were added in it was the fastest.

Unlike government medical experts who advised Trump in the early months of the epidemic, Atlas took a public stance on the virus very closely with the president – in which schools could not reopen this fall as “dementia” and advance the idea. Resumption of college sports.

“He’s working with us and will work with us on coronavirus,” Trump said in August. “And he has a lot of great ideas. And he thinks what we did is really good, and now we’ll take it to a new level.”
