Scientists researching prostate cancer accidentally discovered a new organ in the throat

Scientists in the Netherlands say they have identified a possible new organ in the human throat.

The researchers say that a group of newly found salivary glands were probably used to moisturize and lubricate the upper parts of the neck, and they stumbled upon them while conducting research on prostate cancer.

The study was published in the journal Radiotherapy and oncology By a team of researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NCI).

Research has shown that the human throat contains “previously neglected bilateral macroscopic salivary glands” which scientists have dubbed “tubercle glands”. The researchers examined at least 100 patients to confirm their findings and found that they all had glands.

According to Sky News, new glands were discovered when scientists were scanning for prostate cancer cells using PSMA PET-CT – a combination of CT scan and positron emission tomography (PET) scan.

In this technique, doctors give the patient a radioactive tracer injection that binds well to the modified protein PSMA in prostate cancer cells. This combination of scans is also good for detecting salivary gland tissue, PSMA is also high.

Doctors using radiotherapy to treat head and neck cancer try to avoid the major salivary glands, as damaging them, eating, speaking or swallowing can cause difficulty for patients. But these newly discovered glands are still being affected by radiation, as doctors were unaware of their existence, resulting in patients experiencing unfamiliar side effects.

Leaving these glands in patients receiving radiotherapy may have the opportunity to improve their quality of life, the study said.

Dr. of NCI involved in the study. “The next step is to find out how to protect these glands from radiation,” said Voter Vogel.

Said Dr. V. Vogel New York Times The glands could not be detected due to their location at the base of the skull. It is also small, he said, although visible to the human eye, only taken by very sensitive imaging technology.