Scientists find a new organ in the throat while testing for prostate cancer World News

While researching prostate cancer, scientists have discovered a new organ in the throat.

Earlier experts believed that there were only microscopic salivary glands inside the nasopharynx area behind the nose.

But researchers at the Netherlands Cancer Institute discovered a new set of glands of elongated length when scanning for a prostate cancer cell using CT scans and positron emission tomography (PET) scans called PSMA PET-CT scans.

In PSMA PET-CT scanning, doctors place a radioactive “tracer” in the patient. This tracer protein binds well to PSMA, which is enhanced in prostate cancer cells.

PSMA PET-CT scanning also looks very good for detecting salivary gland tissue, which PSMA is also high.

Writing in the journal RF Radiotherapy and Oncology, the researchers said the newly found glands are used to lubricate the upper throat at the back of the nose and mouth, the scientists added.

They named them tuber salivary glands because of their location on a piece of cartilage called the torus tuberius.

To confirm their findings, scientists led by radiation therapist Wouter Vogel examined 100 patients and found that they all had glands.

They also isolated the nasopharynx area of ​​the two cadres and obtained similar results.

The findings of scientists could also help reduce the side effects of some cancer treatments, they said.

Doctors using radiotherapy to treat head and neck cancer try to avoid the three main salivary glands because patients who have damaged them may struggle to eat, speak or swallow.

But unaware of the presence of a fourth set of glands, they were still spreading to that area, patients were still experiencing side effects.

Dr Vogel said: “Our next step is how we can save these new glands and in which patients.

“If we can do this, patients may experience fewer side effects, which will benefit their overall quality of life after treatment.”