Save MTA and check the power of Amazon

MTA is facing massive scattered and catastrophic cuts for subway and bus service, with state legislators reviving a proposal to raise money for a transport agency by charging a $ 3 fee for each package delivered to five boroughs.

State Assemblyman Robert Carroll, who represents the park and part of Windsor Terrace, initially proposed a surcharge in 2019 to supplement crowd prices, which was due to be implemented next month, but now it seems to be delayed by at least a year.

“We’re in an existential crisis now,” Carol told Gothamist. “This bill also generates real revenue for MTA. It will make our streets safer because there will be fewer trucks on the streets, it will purify the air as it will reduce carbon emissions, and it will help our small businesses.”

A ફી 3 fee will be charged on all purchasing online purchases delivered to New York City except for food and “essential medical supplies” paid by the customer. Before the epidemic, the city had 1.5 million package deliveries per day. Carroll estimates that her bill will raise more than 1 1 billion a year for MTA, more than the cost of congestion.

“We want people to think before they click,” Carol said, adding that the fee was કેમ 3 and નહીં 1 or was 2. “It’s more than just a one-way trip on the subway. We have a lot of small businesses that have really difficult times. If we were more thoughtful and thought before we clicked, people would prefer stores to They choose. I can go to that great local hardware store, or I can go to my favorite department store now that I only go once a year, and there’s no 3 fee. “

Carroll, who is also a co-sponsor of several proposals to tax wealthy New Yorkers, said the law would investigate Amazon’s dominance over the retail landscape.

“Amazon’s business model is ‘store everything.’ To buy all the things you have from you. What cities will happen, we will open our shopping corridors .We will only have Amazon fulfillment centers. This makes it an incredible city and a ruthless place to live. “

Developed during the epidemic, in a multi-billion dollar profit, Amazon has hired more than 400,000 people in 10 months, putting the United States ahead of experts in consolidating its production capacity for World War II.

Amazon’s replies have not yet responded to a request for comment.

The MTA has said that if it does not receive 16 16 billion in aid from the federal government next month, it will be forced to cut subway and bus services by 40%, and lay off more than 9,000 workers. Congress is still debating a small epidemic relief package known as the “down payment” by Cuomo.

Kumo’s office fee said they would review the delivery tax law.

“The Deep Transit cut is unacceptable. Governor Cuomo should put everything on the table,” said Danny Pearlstein, policy director of the transit advocacy group Riders Alliance. “The package tax is definitely worth a closer look.”

Carol added, “I don’t think if the people, the legislators, the governors, suddenly get interested, and I think, the crisis creates an opportunity.”