Saudi ambassador says Iran is not ‘naive enough’ to rejoin nuclear deal – including Biden administration

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia’s joint ambassador to Iran rejected the idea that Iran would re-enter the nuclear deal under the Biden administration, saying no deal would be “spotless enough” to return, which “proved its failure.” The world. ”

Abdullah al-Mawlimi made the remarks during a presentation on Fox News “America’s News Headquartered” with host Leland Witter.

Witt said U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has changed dramatically under President Trump’s administration, particularly since the May 2018 withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

File: President-elect Joe Biden, speaking at the Queen Theater in Wilmington, Dale.

File: President-elect Joe Biden, speaking at the Queen Theater in Wilmington, Dale.

The deal – officially called the “Action Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – under the presidency of Barack Obama, Iran and the United States. Including a historic agreement reached in 2015 by several world powers. It was created, in part, to reduce Iran’s ability to produce two components used in making nuclear weapons: plutonium and uranium. In return, disability economic sanctions will be eased.

Now that President-elect Joe Biden will re-enter the U.S. in the deal or try to reconcile, there is new speculation. Foreign policy experts and people close to Biden believe he is a U.S. citizen. Will move closer to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, but it will not be an easy task.

The Biden team told Fox News earlier this week that their stance on Iran was “spelled out” in a recent op-ed that said they would rejoin the deal if Iran returned to strict adherence to the deal.

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“First, I will make a vague commitment to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,” Biden said. “Second, I will provide Tehran with a credible way back to diplomacy.”

When asked if he believed Biden’s administration would come from the Gulf states – such as President Trump – the focus was on Iran and the nuclear deal, al-Mawlami said it was not.

“No, I think the Iran nuclear deal has proved its failure to the whole world. And I don’t think anyone is going to be so naive about going back to a single deal, “he said.

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He added: “If there is a new deal that includes Saudi Arabia in the negotiations and which covers the shortcomings of previous deals, such as Iran’s hydrometric behavior in the region and the issue of missiles and the supply of weapons to revolt. Groups and so on, then we’ll all be there for her. ”

Caitlin Scalhorn of Fox News contributed to this report.