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U.S. More than 1,000 migrant children in government custody have tested positive for coronavirus since March, according to the federal agency in charge of their care.

A total of 1,061 lab-confirmed covid-19 cases have been reported among unsafe migrant children in the care of the Federal Agency for Refugee Resettlement of Fees under the Department of Health and Human Services.

Of the 1,061 cases, 943 children have recovered and have been moved to medical isolation, according to the agency.

Currently, 118 children have tested positive and have been in medical isolation, although none of the children need to be hospitalized.

H.H.S. Funds a network of more than 100 shelters where immigrant children in the United States without parents or guardians are cared for until sponsors are released.

Children with coronavirus while in care were in shelters in New York, Oregon, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Virginia, California and Florida.

In a November court announcement, acting ORR director, Nicole Quebez, suggested that the children had been infected before entering custody.

“The number of recent referred UAACs who test positive during their initial medical examination (which is within 48 business hours of entering UAC care) has also increased significantly in recent weeks, indicating that these UACs have been infected before entering ORR custody. , ”Quebec said in its manifesto, referring to untranslated children.

The Trump administration argues that children should be quickly removed from the United States after being caught off the southern border – a change from the previous study, in which children were taken into custody by the Department of Homeland Security after being diagnosed with H. pylori.

Last month, a federal judge barred the administration from returning unsafe migrant children to the U.S.-Mexico border under a public health order enforced in March. The administration has since appealed the ruling.
