Sammy Hagar clarifies ‘We all have to die’ COVID-19 Comments

In early May, Sammy Hagar spoke to Rolling Stone about his quarantined life. He told us that he respected the closing measures and took them very seriously, but was eager to get back on stage as soon as it was safe.

“I am not going to spread the disease,” he said. “But there may be a time when we have to sacrifice ourselves. I mean, how many people die on Earth every day? I have no idea. I’m sorry to say it, but we all have to die, man.

The comments didn’t create much of a stir when we originally posted them, but they reappeared earlier this week in another article where we collected statements about the quarantine of 14 artists. They were picked up on HuffPost and then bounced off the internet like new. On Thursday afternoon, Hagar turned to his Facebook account to put all of this in context. Your full letter is below:

Hello Sammy here. At the beginning of the week Rolling Stone published a compilation piece from his Q&A series. I did that interview a month and a half ago, things are changing very fast right now, so I wanted to clarify and put some things in context now.

I did that interview on May 8 when we were already several weeks at home, which my family and I took very seriously, and things began to improve, the curve began to flatten out. So when I was asked if I would feel comfortable enough to get back on stage before a shot came out, I was cautiously optimistic. I said, “Yes, not too soon. I want to make sure it doesn’t intensify. When it’s decreasing and it seems to be disappearing.”

Overall, it’s about getting back to work in a safe and responsible way and getting this economy working again. I will do my part. I agree with that. I employ 200 people directly and when we travel even more. Like everything else today, it’s a watch to watch in the months ahead, but we remain cautiously optimistic that with the right improvements and security measures in place, we might be able to watch shows this year. That said, as things change, for better or for worse, we will properly adjust our plans.