Sacha Baron Cohen crashes in right wing event, leads absurd chant – Deadline

Sacha Baron Cohen does it again. On Saturday, the comedian crashed at a Washington State Three Percent meeting in Olympia, Washington, leading a chant and generally upsetting things.

It is unclear whether the appearance was another installment of his Who is America? Showtime program. Cohen and Showtime representatives have been contacted for details, but have yet to respond.

Meanwhile, the comedian was creating his own brand of chaos at the meeting.

“Who wants to cut them like the Saudis do?” asked a bearded Cohen in overalls

Countering a 2018 student-led “March for Our Lives” rally in the wake of the Parkland High School shooting in Florida, the “March for our Rights 3” event is pro-gun and steadfastly conservative. That is why Baron’s singing efforts were even more absurd.

Watch Sacha Baron Cohen’s ADL speech on social media giants: “The biggest propaganda machine in history

Before a crowd estimated at about 500 people, Cohen sang an untitled song urging listeners to attack liberals, CNN, the World Health Organization, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and “mask bearers”.

The proposed attack vectors injected them with “the Wuhan Flu” or “cut them as the Saudis do.” The crowd applauded Cohen’s lyrics and anti-Semitic taunts (the “you know who he is”) and the anti-Asian jabs (“peek at them like we used to do”).

An organizer of the event claimed that a large late California donation was the incentive to allow singing. Cohen had his own security on hand to prevent the plug from being disconnected and to ensure his safety once attendees understood his act.

The Washington State’s Three Percentives denounced Cohen on their Facebook page, and Twitter eyewitnesses also questioned. .