Russian Vladimir Putin is already one of the oldest leaders in the world.

The early results of the referendum showed overwhelming support for Putin’s proposed constitutional reforms, including one that resets the clock to the limit of the president’s term. If he wins the 2024 and subsequent elections, six years later, Putin could hold onto power until he is 84 years old, bringing his reign to more than 36 years.

Putin has already been in power for more than 20 years, reaching number 14 on a list of the world’s oldest leaders, excluding royalty, who often serve for life.

His longevity is due to the confusion between the roles of prime minister and president continuously since 1999. He is considered an autocratic leader, and although the country holds elections, they are widely viewed as undemocratic and designed in his favor. Election monitors said the 2018 presidential vote was “excessively controlled” and “lacked genuine competition.”

The length of Putin’s government already places him in the company of autocrats such as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Rwandan President Paul Kagame, whom the constitution successfully changed so that he could extend his rule to 35 years in total..

Should Russia rule by two other terms, Putin’s reign will be more like that of Paul Biya of Cameroon, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, Ali Khamenei of Iran, and Hun Sen of Cambodia, all of which have been in power for over 35 years.
