Rush Limbaugh dismisses Michelle Obama’s DNC speech as more ‘false’ empathy from leftists

Michelle Obama and “the left” are “obsessed” with empathy and dystopia, conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Tuesday in response to the former First Lady’s remarks on the first night of the Democratic National Convention.

‘She’s talking about it [how] you can not be without empathy in politics, know what it is like in the shoes of others. Empathy is different from sympathy, you understand, “Limbaugh said on his syndicate radio program. Empathy is just another word for care and I reserve for you that the left is a bunch of false empathic mantle caregivers. They do not really like it. They just want you to think they do and that is meant to convince you that they are special people, that they care. “


Obama accused in a moderate but hurtful address that closed Monday’s proceedings, President Trump’s White House of ‘operating in’ chaos’ and without ’empathy’, as they urged voters to cast their ballots for Joe Biden.

“Ask African Americans how much the Democrats have cared for them in 50 years, how much is it meant to improve their lives?” Said Limbaugh. “The answer is zip, zero, nada.”

“The Rush Limbaugh Show” then asked if Democrats want empathy to make a theme of their convention, “how in the world do you not name the victims of the injustices and the violent criminals?

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“How in the world, when you talk about empathy and how do you have more empathy than Republicans, how in the world do you talk about what happens to law-abiding people in your own cities and states like Seattle and like Portland? ? “

Limbaugh also criticized the gloomy view he said was advocated by many speakers on the first night of the convention.


“They’re obsessed with talking about empathy. They’re obsessed with dystopia,” he said. “They are obsessed with relationships with people on the basis that life is miserable and that it is addictive and that there is not much chance of improvement.” “There is not much they can do. There is nothing they can do.”

“‘Maybe Biden can fix it, maybe Kamala Harris, but you have to vote for him if you want any chance.’

“What the hell kind of message is that?” Limbaugh added.

Fox News’ Brooke Singman contributed to this report.