Rule, Britannia! The BBC will be lost on Last Night of the Primes after the U-turn

Last Night of the PrimsImage copyright pyrite
P.A. Media

The BBC has reversed its decision not to rule, Britannia! And Land Hope F Hope Glund Glory The F Last Night the F Proms.

U-Turn is fiercely criticized by reports that songs are declining due to its association with colonialism and slavery.

The BBC said last week that the decision to do an orchestral-version was prompted by the Covid-19 ban.

However, a “select” group of singers will now perform songs after all.

The BBC said in a new statement, “The epidemic means a separate promos this year and one of the consequences under the Covid-19 sanctions, are we not able to bring together the mixed voices.”

“For that reason, we made the artistic decision not to sing Rule, Britannia and Land Hope in Hope and Glory.”

But, the statement added, the BBC “kept a close eye on what else was possible” and found a “compromise”.

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BBC singers from social distance participated in the first night of the prom

“Both pieces will now include a selection group of BBC singers. This means that the words will be lost in the halls, and as we have always made clear, the audience will be free to sing at home.”

In The First Night the Primrose, 18 socially-spaced members of BBC Singers performed on stage or with the orchestra in the otherwise empty stall of the Royal Albert Hall.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was asked to intervene in the decision to play the original fair editions of the BBC on Last Night on 12 September.

“I can’t believe … the BBC says they won’t sing the words of Land Hope f Hope and Glory or Rule Britannia! Because traditionally they do it at the end of The Last Night The F The Prims,” ​​he told reporters last week. .

“I think this is the time that we have stopped our embarrassing feelings about our history, about our traditions and about our culture, and we have stopped this common conflict of self-recovery and wetting.”

Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said: “Countries that look forward with confidence cannot erase their history, they add to it.”

‘Let’s confuse the nation’

On Wednesday, a spokesman for No. 10 said the prime minister “welcomes” the backtrack.

Speaking to Conservative lawmakers, Mr Johnson said: “I think this country is going through a period of national embarrassment about some of the things that other people around the world love most about us.

“People love our traditions and our history with all its imperfections. It’s crazy for us to keep trying to censor it. It’s absurd and I think we should speak out loud and proudly for the UK and our history.”

Mr. Dowd also gave his reaction.

A spokesman for Labor leader Sir Keer Starr said it was the “right decision”, but added: “Enjoying patriotic songs should not be an obstacle to examining our past and learning from it.”

Last week, the BBC said the movement to put the songs down was less than the fact that fewer performers could appear on stage due to the rules of social distance. The corporation promised that the songs would be released next year as usual.

Outgoing Director General Tony Hall defended the “creative conclusion” reached, but acknowledged that the question of leaving the songs had been discussed. Lord Hall on Tuesday handed over the new director general to Tim Dewey.

He argues that songs like Land Hope F Hope and Glory should not be performed, including Chi-Chi Nawanoku, which is run by China! Orchestra, which performed in 2017 and 2019 at Promos.

He told the BBC: “We find it outrageous. For any conscious black person who is aware of their history, empire and colonialism, for example, they will struggle to enjoy the patriotic jingoism of these songs.”

Broadcaster and co-master Gareth Malone also pointed out that the song was outdated, and tweeted: “This is Britannia’s time!”