Professor Alexandru Rafila pointed out that a topic is one of the most risky in terms of disease transmission.
We are talking about music. Singing is one of the riskiest transmissions of the disease. The music will probably be made without singing, with theoretical notions, probably also with audio. Singing is totally contraindicated, it is an activity that favors a high degree of transmission. It is not very possible to sing with a mask, Alexandru Rafila told Antena 3.
Journalist Val Vâlcu said that even from this point of view, wearing a mask is a blessing.
“When I was a student, music class was a nightmare only when I thought about it. I was trying to get rid of this in some way. Why? Because it made us sing, beat the beat, etc. Instead of teaching us cultural elements, Explaining the differences between musical genres, the teacher insisted on singing even though most of us had no voice.
It didn’t matter if you had talent or not, if you had a vocation or not, you had to sing as if everyone was going to play the piano to entertain their guests. Perhaps the students should be given opera, not the teacher made them sing. Let the talented students who attend electives sing along! Voiceless students don’t need to feel bad. Not all of us need to know music theory, but it is good to know who Donizetti was, who is not a football player, but an opera composer. In fifth grade, I wasn’t as scared of math, chemistry, etc., as I was of music. From this point of view, wearing a mask is a blessing. Children are no longer obliged to sing if they have no voice, ”said journalist Val Vâlcu.