The chronicle of a failure, in images. How did the PSD’s motion of no confidence implode?


The day of the motion by which the PSD hoped to overthrow the Orban government did not end well for Marcel Ciolacu’s party. The PSD failed to bring even all the parliamentarians with party cards to the meeting. Now, at the top of the PSD, there is talk again of exclusions.

Orban government rremains in office. The session of Parliament in which the motion of censure for the removal of the Government had to be debated and voted on due to lack of quorum was not held. 226 parliamentarians were present, since 233 votes were needed to pass the motion of no confidence. Social democrats that are absent risk of exclusion.

In the first part of the day, the parliamentary parties met in meetings to establish their strategy and see how many MPs they can count on. Emotions began to appear in the field of the Social Democrats from the first part of the day, when the PSD parliamentarians began to announce, one after another, that they could not participate.

Accompanied by all pro-Romania deputies, Víctor Ponta once again accused a PNL-PSD agreement.

“Do you still think it’s a countertop, Mr. Ponta?”

– Yes, when I see PSD leaders who say they are group leaders, but they are busy selling votes, yes, I still believe.

The plenary session began with only 170 of the 233 MPs required. Then each group counted the parliamentarians present again.

“We started stormy, with a one-hour break,” the leader of the Chamber of Deputies announced angrily.

When they closed their accounts, the leaders returned to the plenary session to announce their strategy, but in the end, the Social Democrats decided to make a nominal appeal to identify those who were absent.

From the Parliament rostrum, Lia Olguța Vasilescu began to take stock of those present and absent:

Unaffiliated Senate: 4 present.

Unaffiliated Chamber of Deputies: out of 10, nine absent and one present.

PMP: We are not voting!

Minorities: out of 17 people, 17 are absent.

Pro Europa: Of the 21 members, one is absent.

UDMR: No one is present, but if there is a quorum, they will be present and we will not vote.

NLP: We don’t provide a quorum, we don’t vote.

USR: No group member will contribute to the quorum for this meeting.

PSD Senate: Ms. Senator Dan Carmen Daniela – absent, Ms. Pațurcă Roxana – absent.

PSD Chamber of Deputies: Todor Adrian – absent. Rădulescu Cătălin – absent. Hammer Dan – absent.

Once the disaster was confirmed, Marcel Ciolacu seemed to be misled again by the meaning of the words.

– Do you control the party you lead? the Social Democratic leader was asked.

“As you can see, yes,” he told reporters convincingly, as if this was the result he was looking for.

The Social Democrats are considering whether to reschedule the vote on the motion in the regular session, but this could raise questions of constitutionality, which will be attacked by the Liberals. Voting on this motion is unlikely to resume. There are doubts about the constitutionality of a late vote.

Alfred Simonis – leader of the PSD deputies: “I do not know how the Court is going to judge, if it will not be too late, but if you ask me and this is my position, I believe that at this moment a discussion on this issue is no longer appropriate . I think it is too early to discuss a new motion. I do not think it appropriate that this motion presented in a special session be debated in another session. “

After the failure of the motion presented in the extraordinary session, the PSD leader, Marcel Ciolacu, threatens to exclude the PSD members who were absent from Monday’s meeting: The National Political Council excluded the 5, they were absent from ALDE , from Pro Romania, we will come with clarifications within the party ”.

Read also:

Marcel Ciolacu: Mr. Rădulescu wrote me that his spleen and liver are slightly enlarged. Cătălin Rădulescu: I spilled blood

Web edition: Luana Păvălucă
