The deputies took the oath of allegiance on Monday night in a solemn session. The oath was taken individually by each deputy.
After taking the oath, both the PNL and the PSD wanted to go to the polls for the president of the Chamber. Lucian Feodorov, AUR deputy, dean of deputies who presided over the constituent session of the Chamber of Deputies, was persuaded by George Simion to reject the proposal of the PNL and PSD and declare the session closed. George Simion accused a bloc between PNL and PSD of installing Ludovic Orban at the head of the Chamber of Deputies, although the PSD had its own candidate, in the person of Alfred Simonis.
PNL requested the replacement of the meeting chair by the next dean, but he was also from AUR (Mircea Chelariu) and he refused. The third deputy in descending order of age is from the PSD, and at the time of publishing this article the procedure to follow is being discussed.
In the Chamber of Deputies, PSD has 110 seats, PNL – 93, the Alliance USR PLUS – 55, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians – 33, UDMR – 21 and the group of national minorities – 18.