The Minister of the Interior, Marcel Vela, announced on Thursday, after the government meeting, that the GEO was adopted for the modification and termination of Emergency Ordinance No. 114/2018 on the establishment of some measures in the field of public investments and some fiscal-budgetary measures, the modification and the realization of some normative acts and the extension of some terms.
“This ordinance is an act of justice and, if at that time my predecessors had applied the law correctly, today there was no need to adopt this normative act.
The emergency ordinance adopted today guarantees the application of the legal effects of the decision of the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice and this emergency ordinance will recalculate the salary rights of police officers who have a monthly salary below the maximum level paid for each position, rank, echelon, graduation, length of service or specialty, if they work in the same conditions.
This ordinance also modifies the provisions of the emergency ordinance 114 of 2018 with subsequent modifications and supplements, which currently limit the values of the wage rights to the level granted in December 2018, respectively in December 2019, decisions prior to decision number 51 / 2019, the decision of the Superior Court Cassation and justice, “said Marcel Vela.
Vela also said that, On average, a police officer in activity can benefit from a monthly increase of up to 400 lei.
“At the same time, through this ordinance, the Government guarantees financial support for the impact generated by the application of the effects of decision number 51/2019, staggering the payment of the rights recalculated for the last three years. From one point From a technical point of view, the Government emergency ordinance refers on average, an active police officer can benefit from a monthly increase of up to 400 lei, in gross amount, depending on the particular situation of each one.
When referring to the items covered by this emergency ordinance, we record a number of approximately 68,000 police officers for whom this act does justice. As for the quantity increased loyalty a number of 18,000 pictures by the quantity increase to graduate from higher education institutions and around 6,000 police officers for the amount increase in special danger“said the Interior Minister.
Marcel Vela also specified that he will soon issue the methodological norms for the application of this normative act.
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