Marcel Ciolacu reacts harshly after Klaus Iohannis lecture: Sad president, pathetic professor! – News by sources


PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu criticized the head of state on Wednesday, after the press conference in Cotroceni, where Klaus Iohannis referred to the start of schools.

“Sad president, pathetic teacher! It is unacceptable to wash your hands because YOUR Government has been unable to do ANYTHING for the safe opening of schools. What do you mean, mayors run it? What is the government protecting, Mr. Iohannis ?! There are 7 million children, parents and grandparents who still do not know what will happen on September 14.

What do you mean that students quickly get used to “less pleasant things”? With the lack of textbooks, tablets, and the wearing of masks for hours taken from parents’ money? With teachers who will enter the classroom for fear of being infected, with dozens of aberrant measures from the center for mayors, with entire towns where there is not even a signal on the phone ?! How?!

But don’t you want, Mr. Iohannis, to get used to the idea that you are not the president of NLP, but the president of ALL Romanians?

Stop campaigning at the presidential desk, renounce threats to the opposition, and put on the president’s coat, not the yellow jacket?

Value! A first step would be to support duplication of allocations! It is the law that she promulgated a few months ago and that millions of Romanians are waiting for! If only for something else, at least to be able to buy your children the much needed tablets for education now! Tablets that, even after months, the Government that you defend so ardently has not been able to deliver to those who will start school online on Monday, ”Marcel Ciolacu reacted on Facebook.
