How many people will be able to attend weddings, baptisms and funerals after May 15?


Inquam Photos / Virgil Simonescu

How can we go to weddings, baptisms and funerals after May 15, on alert?

The Interior Ministry presented the proposed measures for alertness on Saturday, including the conditions under which we can attend events such as weddings, baptisms or funerals from May 15, 2020.

According to the proposals presented on Saturday by the Ministry of the Interior, the proposals that would take effect on May 15, with the transition from a state of emergency to a state of alert, the maximum number of people who can attend baptisms, weddings or funerals will be 16.

More precisely, the official document published on Saturday by the Ministry of the Interior on the measures proposed for the state of alert establishes that:, weddings or funerals) that take place with the participation of a strictly limited number of people: maximum 16 people and the compliance with the rules of social distance “.

How can we go to weddings, baptisms and funerals after May 15 out of town?

In addition, in the measures proposed on Saturday by the Ministry of the Interior, it is specified that travel outside the locality is allowed for “care / accompaniment of children / relatives” or in the event of family death, but also for “participation in family events, with a limited number of people and compliance with the rules of social distance. ”

In other words, we can leave our hometown to go to a wedding, christening, or funeral. That, however, only as of May 15 and only if these proposals are approved.

And if, before such an important ceremony, we want to get a haircut, a haircut or go to the beautician, the authorities also announced on Saturday a series of rules on hairdressers and beauty salons, which will also apply to 15 of May.
