Good news from Timisoara in the midst of a pandemic – Doctor Virgil Musta: ‘The new treatment scheme for COVID-19 works’ – News by sources


Dr. Virgil Musta of “Victor Babeş” Infectious Disease Hospital in Timişoara says that the new treatment regimen for patients infected with coronavirus, which includes anticoagulants, antivirals and anti-inflammatory drugs, has started to work, especially in those with severe forms of COVID – 19, and were no longer intubated.

Dr. Virgil Musta stated for that after one month of the imposition of a new treatment scheme for patients with COVID-19, positive results are observed.

“We did a brief analysis in which we saw that for about a month, since we provided early anticoagulant treatment to our patients, we have not had patients who come to Intensive Care. All evolve in moderate or severe forms of the disease, but not” Yes they get to the hospital on time, to be able to introduce corticosteroid therapy, they have a better chance than those who go directly to the ICU, “said Dr. Virgil Musta.

The new treatment program is related to the pathogenic process that occurs in the disease, added the doctor.

“This is antiviral therapy, where there are a number of new drugs, therapies, such as immunoglobulins, plasma, like Remdesivir, in intensive care patients. There are different antivirals that try to reduce the amount of virus that leads. The second direction is clotting. , because it has been found that it is hypercoagulant in this disease and inflammation stimulates coagulation. At necropsy, in countries like Italy and Switzerland, which were long before us, they found a very large number of patients who had thrombosis in the lungs. these complications existed and then I studied these tests and introduced this treatment to prevent these pathogenic cascades. The third direction of treatment is to reduce inflammation, because the virus produces a toxin-releasing reaction. Here we have well established criteria, when you give this Therapy, as administered, are medications that modulate and inhibit this in The game we play is between “when you give” and “in what doses do you give” this treatment, “Musta explained.

Right now, just over 80 coronavirus-infected patients are admitted to the Timisoara Infectious Disease Hospital. Also here, since the start of the pandemic, more than 420 patients have been cured, from various counties in the country.
