Austerity for public servants in 2021. List of measures announced DOCUMENT


Thus, the project foresees that all service pensions, both those of Civil Aviation retirees, former secretaries (court clerks and prosecutors), former parliamentarians, pensions of former diplomats and their descendants, pensions of former employees of the Court of Accounts, pensions of former parliamentarians and military pensions will no longer be updated in 2021 with the inflation rate. However, the bill does not include references to former magistrates.

The project also provides:

– suspension of the application of special pensions for mayors until January 1, 2022;

– freeze the fine point at the value of 145 lei;

postponement of the granting of vacation allowance for public employees until January 1, 2022;

maintain the merit allowance at 6,240 lei (equivalent to 3 minimum gross wages per country);

postponement of the granting of the minimum inclusion income (granted to families and single people in difficulty, in order to prevent and combat poverty and the risk of social exclusion) until April 1, 2022.

The same GEO draft also provides:

postponement of the 50% increase in the salaries of teachers in the medical-pharmaceutical field from universities to 2022;

– maintenance of holiday vouchers worth 1,450 lei;

VAT exemption with the right to deducte for the delivery of medical devices for in vitro diagnosis of COVID-19, vaccines against COVID-19, as well as related vaccination and testing services.

Until December 31, 2021, economic operators that deliver goods or services through vending machines that operate on the basis of card payment, as well as acceptors of bills or coins, as the case may be, have the obligation to equip vending machines. Commercial electronic tax registers.

As well, The tax amnesty regarding the interest and penalties of the main debts with the state is extended until December 15, 2021, and those who want to pay their debts in installments, both natural and legal persons, can submit the request to the Tax Agency between January 1 and 2021 March 31, 2021 inclusive, under penalty of confiscation. Upon request, the debtor can attach the tiered schedule containing the proposed amount of tiered fees.

The VAT refund with subsequent control has a new deadline: March 31, 2021.

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