Kitchen or gas hob. DANGER in homes. The site that shows you if the person you put in the house is okay


Many people, when moving to a new block, turn to all kinds of craftsmen who are good at everything, risking their lives.

One of the most common situations is the following: when they want to install the stove, people usually go to a plumber who comes to install the washing machine, with the principle “if he still arrived, let’s do all the work with him”. The latter says that it is also good for gas. If you ask them if they have permission, they answer yes, but this is not always the case. However, you can check if the person has permission to install the stove. Otherwise, if you follow the bona fide “know-it-all” installer, you may find that your house is on fire and you don’t know why.

On the ANRE website, you can check if natural gas agents are certified and authorized to install your stove. There is a list of their names and when you see signs with advertisements saying they can connect your stove, you can check on the ANRE website if you have permission.

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The installation, installation, service or repair operation of the stove must be carried out only by ANRE certified companies that have installers with ANRE authorization, not artisans who install and repair everything. It is also necessary to use quality materials that meet the norms and standards imposed by the manufacturers.
