Iunona was known around town for her gel nail technique. She became infected in late November, was hospitalized, and later tested negative. He went home, but complications from the virus intervened and he died, writes Botosaninews.ro.
The last message you sent to your clients was before the holidays and it is truly heartbreaking.
“I want to make a statement for the clients who were very unhappy with the cancellation of the December appointments.
Girls want nails but I fight every day for life !!! Please make a difference! Today I am here and I fight against Sars-CoV-2, tomorrow you can be in my place, because nobody is protected. I ask for a little understanding. Nails are still not everything in this life, my mother nails me! “Said the young woman.
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CORONAVIRUS Romania. 3,938 new cases and 74 deaths in 24 hours. Only 15,953 tests were carried out. There are 1,111 hospitalized patients in ATI