The great moment expected by many Romanians, for the year 2021, will be the release from prison of Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, former president of the PSD and the Chamber of Deputies, sentenced for corruption, to three years and six months in prison. Dragnea was sentenced by total appeal of the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice to prison with execution.
Dragnea was imprisoned on May 27, 2019 and, according to the Execution of Sentences Act, must serve a period of at least two-thirds of the sentence set by the judges.
A specialist in this field explained to EVZ that Dragnea must serve 42 months in prison, of which he must serve two-thirds, that is, 28 months in prison. From this period on, Dragnea is deprived of the period in which he worked in prison, which may be a maximum of three months, in the circumstances of the case. “This is how Liviu Nicolae Dragnea will be able to submit a request for parole in June 2021. If this request is accepted, then he will be able to be released from prison,” said a specialist consulted by EVZ.
At the last press conference held the day before her incarceration, Liviu Dragnea said that she was not afraid of anything. “If I was scared, it was a carpet, it was a bell and the PSD was a good party and it did not do what it has done until now. The panel of judges, if it resists pressure, will acquit. If they don’t resist, they won’t pay. It’s a stupid, very stupid show! I do not have any baggage! Dragnea declared at the time.
Denied the right to work
While he was in prison, Dragnea granted an interview without the approval of the prison management, thus his right to work was suspended. This happened during September 2020. Subsequently, Dragnea filed an appeal with the 5th District Court, where he won the case. The judges found that the detainee Dragnea’s right to work and earn days off was violated.
Based on art. 56 of Law No. 254/2013 admits the appeal filed by the convicted petitioner DRAGNEA NICOLAE LIVIU against Conclusion no. 684 / 08.19.2020 of the Judge of supervision of the deprivation of liberty of the Rahova Penitentiary It annuls the contested conclusion and the new trial: it considers that the convicted person was restricted from the right to work regulated by the provisions of art. 78 of Law No. 254/2013 ”, is reflected in the judgment of District Court 5.
It is not yet very clear if Liviu Dragnea was returned to work, because the judicial authorities never communicated on this matter. Before coming to the attention of the Rahova Penitentiary management, Dragnea worked in the garage of this penitentiary unit.