Ciolacu: PSD continues to be the party with the most seats. We are witnessing a confiscation of the vote of Romanians / I can’t figure out how USR will participate in a government with PNL sanctions and Cîţu, who is the gravedigger of Romania – Politics


Marcel Ciolacu says that after the parliamentary elections on Sunday, the PSD will have 110 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 48 seats in the Senate, so it remains the party with the most seats, so it should be called first in the consultations of Cotroceni. If this does not happen, the PSD will not attend the consultations, the leader of the Social Democrats also said. He also states that starting at 4:00 p.m. the National Political Council will take place in which the PSD will vote on the proposal of Prime Minister – Alexandru Rafila. Ciolacu would also have ministers: Cristian Socol in Finance, Leonard Azamfirei in Education or Maia Teodoroiu in Justice.

Ciolacu declared, on Thursday, on Digi 24, that the PSD is the party with the most terms in the future Parliament and that he “continues to be surprised” by the way in which the negotiations are handled and by the “way in which President Iohannis interprets the Constitution” .

“It seems that we are witnessing a confiscation of the Romanian vote and a group of losers wants to turn this vote of guilt offered by the Romanians into a victory. This is not allowed in a democratic and European state. The negotiations seem to have ended ridiculous, It does not take into account the health crisis and the great challenges for 2021. They gave us to talk about a party president because I don’t know what he is looking for now in Cotroceni, because the president of the PNL had institutional relations with the head of state. Now I know how can he afford to go to Cotroceni and write the names of the prime ministers on the ballots. USR, the president takes note of the results, invites the party with more mandates first for consultations and then makes official negotiations, “said Marcel Ciolacu, according to News .ro.

He also said that if the head of state does not call the PSD first for consultations, then he will propose to his colleagues that the party not participate at all.

Regarding the proposal of the NLP Prime Minister Florin Cîţu, the PSD leader stated that he does not understand how USR-PLUS will participate in a government with “NLP sanctions” and with Prime Minister Florin Cîţu, “the gravedigger of Romania and the Romanian economy “.

“I can’t figure out how USR will participate in a government with sanctions from the NLP and with Mr. Cîţu, who is the gravedigger for Romania and the Romanian economy. Our clear proposal is Mr. Alexadru Rafila. If we had a president who would wear the constitutional robe, at this time, would have been a government of national unity, and a national effort is needed from all parties to overcome this health and economic crisis that Romania will increasingly face. “Now the president is inviting some losers, regardless of the Romanian vote. In fact, his NLP government has been confirmed to be a total failure, “added Ciolacu.

When asked about a list of possible PSD ministers, Ciolacu invoked the names of Cristian Socol for Finance, Leonard Azamfirei for Education, Maia Teodoroiu for the Ministry of Justice.

Negotiations for the new coalition government will start on Saturday, UDMR President Klemen Hunor announced after talks in Cotroceni with President Klaus Iohannis, which were also attended by Ludovic Orban and Dan Barna.
