Angela Merkel is left with a swollen lip after Finland also opposes her plan: how Helsinki authorities challenge her – Source news


The idea proposed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to close ski resorts in Europe this year to prevent further recurrence of COVID-19 pollution would be “fatal” for the Finnish economy, the Finnish Ministry of Economy protested on Friday. , cited by France Presse. .

“Here in Finland, most of the people who come to our ski resorts are local. It would be very strange to close these stations while the situation in our country in terms of the virus is not as bad as in other countries. ”Said the ministry spokesperson, Mika Lintila, writes

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Such a decision would be a “fatal blow” to the tourism industry in Lapland, where the most popular resorts are located.

“It is very possible to respect the necessary distances on the slopes and on the lifts. There are many more dangerous places than the ski resorts,” said Harri Lindfors, director of the Finnish Association of Ski Regions.

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In Sweden, a public health epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, also estimated that his country does not need to close its ski resorts.

“You have to remember that there is a big difference between the ski resorts we have in the north and the ones we have in the Alps,” he said.

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Several other countries with many ski resorts, including Austria, have already voiced opposition to Merkel’s proposal.
