Restrictions have been introduced in two locations due to the large number of coronavirus cases


It was decided to introduce restrictions in the towns of Spermezeu and Șieuț in Bistrița-Năsăud.

During the meeting of the Bistrița-Năsăud County Emergency Situations Committee on September 5, the updated situation of the administrative-territorial units in the county was presented, from the perspective of Government Decision no. 668/2020 on the extension of the state of alert in the Romanian territory as of August 16, as well as the establishment of the measures that will be applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Therefore, CJSU Bistrița-Năsăud Decision no. 17 / 05.09.2020, which established that restrictions be introduced in administrative-territorial units where the cumulative incidence of disease cases with Covid-19, in the last 14 days, is greater than 1.5 / 1000 inhabitants: Spermezeu and Șieuț .

The decision takes effect on September 6.

By previous decisions, similar restrictions were introduced in Ilva Mică (lifted in the meantime), Rebra, Budești, Lunca Ilvei.

Thus, the activity of economic operators that carry out activities of preparation, marketing and consumption of food and / or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as restaurants and cafeterias, inside buildings, as well as authorized operators in the field of game. It is allowed to prepare food and sell food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that are not consumed in the respective premises. At the same time, the activity of restaurants and cafes within hotels, pensions or other accommodation units within the two communes is allowed only for clients staying in accommodation units.

According to a Government Decision, as of September 1, it is allowed to resume the activity of restaurants and cafes inside the buildings, in compliance with the protection standards established by specialists, only if the cumulative incidence of cases in the last 14 days is lower or equal to 1.5 / 1,000 inhabitants.
