Have you been infected with the new coronavirus and want medical leave? Watch out!
The journalist Val Vâlcu explained the situation of a significant number of people in our country. There are thousands of people in the following situation: they were infected with Covid-19, but they were not hospitalized. They stayed home in solitary confinement. Now the bomb follows: I can’t get a medical discharge certificate.
Medical leave is only granted by the hospital after hospitalization and is extended by the family doctor. More precisely: you stay in the hospital for 48 hours, then you go to the family doctor with a medical letter issued by the hospital doctor and he decides how many days he has to give you, at his own risk.
If the people were infected with Covid-19 but were not hospitalized, when they went to the family doctor, after 14 days of isolation, to request medical leave, they were surprised: they could not benefit from this document.
Were you in the hospital for 48 hours? No. Then you can’t take a medical leave. Therefore, the employer cannot pay you for those days. The procedure that nobody knows about and has not been announced is the following: If you have been infected and hospitalized for 48 hours, your GP will receive your medical letter and you will be on sick leave. Until the legislation changes, family doctors cannot be licensed. A person can receive a medical leave only if they have been hospitalized for two days.