How many doses of Covid vaccine will Romania receive from the EU? The announcement made by Nelu Tătaru


The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, declared on Tuesday that Romania will receive 4% of the 30 million doses of anti-Covid vaccine contracted by the European Union.

Nelu Tătaru made this statement in view of the appearance on the market of a vaccine against COVID-19, probably early next year.

“As you know, in the study of a vaccine they are phase I, phase II, they are generally in a smaller sample and in healthy people without comorbidities. This is followed by a stage or phase III in which there are larger samples and for people with comorbidities At this moment, as far as we know and from our European partners, there are around 6 companies doing this study, two of them have already passed to phase III. At the level of the European community we are committed and we are The European Community will receive 30 million in a first delivery, with strong discussions and contracts with various companies and, as a result, you will be able to benefit from the first doses of vaccine from January. We will receive a part of these vaccines, based on the number of the population, It has been decided that of the 30 million doses of vaccine that will be received in a first installment by the European community, we are 4% – 1,290,000 doses, “said Nelu Tătaru, in Digi 24, according to Agerpres.

The minister said that the total number of COVID vaccine doses contracted by the European community so far amounts to “300 million doses”, adding that there are discussions for an additional number.

He explained that if these doses of vaccine are received in the first stage, “extreme groups and people who work directly with the population, medical personnel, teachers, teachers” will be vaccinated.

“Every month the European community will receive from these contracts a series of vaccines from which we benefit from that 4%,” said Tataru.
