Adelina Pestrițu reveals that she has coronavirus and that she has lost her taste and smell


The vlogger Adelina Pestrițu revealed, on her Instagram account, that she was detected with coronavirus.

Adelina Pestrițu made the announcement in a story on Instagram, stating that after the first symptoms appeared, she took the test, which was positive.

“Dear ones, as you know the good guys, I want you to also know the bad guys. I want you to know what I’m going through at the moment. Unfortunately, the other day I came into contact with a COVID patient. The first symptoms appeared, I ran out of taste or smell, I came in, took a test. The test came out positive, and now I’m in the hospital parking lot, waiting to be taken and hospitalized. Of course, everyone in my family “The husband came out negative. I keep you posted. I did not know that the person was infected with COVID. I took the test after I lost my taste and smell. I was eating chocolate and had none. “” No flavor. I didn’t understand why I felt like I was eating paper. And I came, I did my test, I discovered that it was positive. For now my health is good apart from the fact that I have no flavor nor will I keep you posted, I will keep you posted as soon as I can, but I can’t tell you what’s going on. Let’s anticipate these episodes in our lives. Protect yourself, put on a mask and take good care of yourself?“Said Adelina Petrițu in the story.

Although she claimed that it was tasteless and odorless, Adelina Pestrițu appears in the same story saying that she smells the vanilla from the car air freshener, but also that she smells the smell of a new car.

“I don’t want any more yellow fir trees in the car, even though it smells like vanilla”said Adelina Petrițu just hours before announcing that she has Covid and that she no longer smells or tastes.
