The president of the UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, declared on Wednesday, in Sfântu Gheorghe, that Romania has been in a continuous political crisis since 2012.
“There has been a political crisis in Romania since 2012, when the Ungureanu government was overthrown, since then we have had a political crisis. In eight years, we have had between 13 and 14 governments. You cannot govern if there is this permanent change, you do not have programs, you cannot implement a program if it changes constantly. It is a permanent total improvisation and for six months it is even more and, since they did not want to govern, they only wanted to organize early elections and I said that in jazz improvisation is the basis, but in politics improvisation is death.
(…) This is the problem of this government: it did not want to govern, it wanted to organize early elections, it had no projects, vision, or government program. When you don’t have a vision, you don’t have a government program, you don’t have projects, what to implement? You have nothing to implement. Improvise. You can see it, ”Kelemen Hunor said, according to Agerpres, at a press conference organized on the occasion of the launch of the UDMR Covasna candidates in the local elections.