Marcel Ciolacu declared, on Monday, on România TV, that the postponement of the vote on the vote of no confidence in Parliament was actually a “strategy of permanence in the government of the PNL”.
The president of the PSD announced that on Tuesday he will propose the exclusion of the party of the parliamentarians who were not present, stating that “many blasphemers of the PSD, criminals of the PSD or the people of Dragnea saved the Orban government today from a possible movement vote” .
What explanation does Ciolacu have for the withdrawal of the motion of censure?
“The representatives of PSD, ALDE and Pro Romania would not have had 233 votes. First of all, the motion was not voted on today. It was a strategy not to create crovum. After all, a democratic game between power and the Opposition. We, the Opposition, have initiated a motion. Today there was no quorum.
It will be rescheduled for voting ”, declared the president of the PSD.
Who is to blame for what happened on Monday?
“At this time, 5 PSD parliamentarians did not participate because there was a quorum. And with another member of ALDE and Pro Romania, 73 would have made the 233 appearances.
I have three true classmates who suddenly fell ill and two who announced that they would not participate.
Today there were no more gray hairs in Parliament. Today there was only black and white. Who supports the current government and who does not support it ”, said Ciolacu.
Marcel Ciolacu affirms that the withdrawal of the motion of censure was only a “maneuver” to help the PNL stay in power.
“It was a strategy for NLP to stay in power. I am disappointed in my colleagues.
I have three colleagues who fell ill suddenly: Carmen Dan, Teodor Adrian de Arad and Mr. Rădulescu Cătălin, who texted me saying that his spleen and liver were enlarged and that he is not risking his life. Definitely tomorrow I will submit to a vote of the National Political Committee his exclusion ”, mentioned Marcel Ciolacu.
Likewise, the PSD leader specified that he will request the exclusion of Roxana Paţurcă, PSD senator for Călăraşi and Dan Ciocan, PSD deputy for Olt, because “it was the same with them and without them.”
“Which intrigues me a lot: many blasphemers from the PSD, sanctions from the PSD or the people of Dragnea saved the Orban Government today from a possible vote on the motion
I look at who did not participate. There are several more on the list of unaffiliated former PSD members who were portrayed as service criminals. Collect the question marks. Mr. Orban knows who he negotiated with, “Ciolacu said, according to RomaniaTV.