Decisive vote in Parliament: parents can take their DAYS and after May 15 – News by sources


Parents can also take days off in the period immediately following the cessation of the state of emergency, deputies decided Wednesday, adopting the bill on the approval of government emergency ordinance no. 41/2020 for the amendment and termination of Law No. 19/2020 on the granting of some days off to parents for the supervision of children, in case of temporary closure of schools.

The project, which was supported in plenary by all parliamentary groups and adopted unanimously, aims to extend the application of the basic normative act to school vacations in the event of a state of emergency.

According to the project, one of the parents is given days off to supervise the children, including during school vacations, in the event of temporary closure of schools and preschool units, due to the state of emergency decreed by law. .

According to an amendment, as an exception, in 2020 these provisions will also apply during the period immediately after the cessation of the state of emergency, until the end of the school courses related to the second semester. Parents who have children up to 12 years old, enrolled in an educational unit or who have children with disabilities up to 26 years old can benefit from these provisions.

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A similar provision was adopted on May 6, when the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies voted in favor of the bill on the approval of the government’s Emergency Ordinance no. 30/2020 for the amendment and finalization of some normative acts, as well as for the establishment of some measures in the field of social protection in the context of the epidemiological situation determined by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

In accordance with the normative act, which is promulgated, days are given to one of the parents to supervise the children, in case of suspension of courses or temporary closure of the educational units where they are enrolled, due to unfavorable weather conditions or other situations. extreme decreed by the competent authorities with powers in the field and, “by exception, in 2020, these provisions will also apply during the period immediately after the cessation of the state of emergency, until the end of the school year.”

The chairman of the Labor and Social Protection Commission, PSD deputy Adrian Solomon, requested in plenary the adoption of the bill, to be sent to promulgation as soon as possible, so that the amendment to Ordinance 30 does not enter In force without the amendments made to Ordinance 41, the deputies “thus put themselves on the wrong foot because of the way of legislating the Government”.

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“As we discussed last week, it is the third amendment in a month of Law 19/2020, just voted two days before the decree of the first state of emergency. It shows the” care “of the Government to legislate in the situation in which it has this right “very well”, as you can see, if every two weeks you have to amend an Ordinance that they have also approved, it is clear how seriously it has leaned, or perhaps the process of drafting normative acts in the Government suffers from the point of view of social dialogue, which we continue to draw the attention of the Government and which does not use much as a weapon to eliminate these problems from the legislative process. In accordance with the wishes of employers, unions, parents’ associations, The government would not have had to change this law three times in a month, which we adopted as a general framework not strictly applied on the spot. Action to combat COVID, “specified MP PSD.

The Chamber of Deputies is decisive in the case of this bill, which was approved by the Senate.
