A Botosani nurse died in the hospital. A few days ago, she was declared healed by Covid-19.


A 58-year-old nurse from Botoşani County “Mavromati” Emergency Hospital, who had been confirmed with a coronavirus, died Sunday night at Dorohoi Municipal Hospital. A few days ago, the nurse was declared cured by Covid-19.

The death of Botoşani’s medical personnel occurred a few days after being transferred from “Mavromati” County Emergency Hospital, where she was declared cured of coronavirus. She was taken to Dorohoi Hospital to continue treatment, writes Botoșani News.

“It is another tribute that medical personnel pay in the battle against the killer virus. She worked as a nurse in the Civil Servants Laboratory, and since 2008 as a chief nurse in the same laboratory at the County Hospital,” the spokesperson said. from the hospital, Ioan Asaftei, according to Agerpres.

This is the second case of death among medical personnel in Botosani, after Dr. Mariana Andrioaie of “Mavromati” County Emergency Hospital also died on April 27 from COVID-19.

Publisher: B.P:
