The graph shows that Romania is in the maximum pandemic risk area along with the United States, India, Great Britain. Doctor: People remember that!


Doctors warn that Romania is in the maximum pandemic risk area, along with the United States, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The graph resulting from a mathematical analysis shows that for a month we have been at a peak with a daily average of cases between 300 and 350.

Outbreaks of infection persist in other Red Zone countries, especially in nursing homes. Which would impose additional restrictions, doctors say.

good endcoronavirus chart

In the yellow zone there is a slow rate of decline of the maximum epidemic, as in Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain.

In the Green Zone states, the decline was as rapid as the increase. This was the case in Australia, Austria, Greece, China.

The data appears in the analysis of EndCoronavirus, an international coalition of more than 4,000 volunteer epidemiologists, clinicians, statisticians, and civic activists. Its objective is to formulate possible solutions for individualization in outbreaks.

Emilian Damian Popovici, Vice President of the Romanian Society for Epidemiology: “This plateau may remain at this level for a longer or shorter period depending on the measures and the response of the population to these recommended measures.

These are the most important aspects, we see this plateau we see why we have to be extremely responsible Compared to this situation, it is not one of the best.

This is the idea, so that the population remembers this red graph, which is on the plateau, it will depend on us if it will remain, if it will have a curve, God forbid! ascending or descending.

