A former footballer for the national team died at age 40. In 2000, he fell like lightning on the soccer field.


“Soccer started in CSS Târgu Mureș (group of coach Attila Kanyaro), but it was affirmed in Viitorul Oradea, the private soccer school founded by Marcel Pușcaș in the 90s,” says bihon.ro, the publication that announced the death of the former left defender.

⚫️ Former American football player Sorin Pop (ex-Viitorul Oradea) died at age 40! ⚫️

Posted by Bihor Online – Bihon.ro on Thursday May 7, 2020

Sorin Pop died at age 40.

Sorin pop, who did not play soccer in the first league, went through a nightmare during his career. He was saved by doctors right on the grass. In an interview given to Gazeta Sportulor in 2016, Pop told about what happened.

In 2000, he fell like lightning on the soccer field. It was in the 70th minute of that game. He managed to recover after three days in a coma.

“It happened on September 22, 2000, we were playing for Viitorul Oradea. I don’t remember anything from that game at all. Later they told me that I was rescued by a poor ambulance that had an oxygen tube … What could exist then county division level? I actually fell off my feet! The teammates intervened immediately, until the medical team arrived. Fortunately, there was a fellow medical student on my team.

They didn’t move me from there. Everyone was screaming, restless, crying, scared, but the doctors stayed calm and intervened with the defibrillator right there on the lawn! They put everyone aside, made room, and began resuscitation. Only after they managed to stabilize me did they take me to the hospital in Oradea, where I remained in a coma for three days. When I woke up, I didn’t know what was wrong with me, what I was looking for in the hospital, what happened to me … I was hospitalized for three weeks, then they let me go home and I would come back for some complex tests, “Pop said.

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