Rip. Elhan Omar, other lawmakers call for boycott of U-20 summit in Saudi Arabia

A group of 45 Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday called on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to withdraw the U.S. from the G20 summit in Saudi Arabia next month, unless the state guarantees amendments to its long list of human rights violations.

“I can’t think of a worse choice for the G20 summit,” he told a news conference announcing the letter, urging Pompeo to boycott. “The government of Saudi Arabia is totally at odds with the ideal we claim to accept as every American. It is a complete monarchy without any kind of democratic representation. It constantly violates the rights of women and kills innocent people, including its own citizens.”

Rip at the Virtual News Conference on the 21st, 2020.  Ilhan Omar, speaking at a virtual news conference on May 21, 2020, called on Saudi Arabia to withdraw from the G20 summit next month until it makes dramatic changes to human rights violations and liberates women.  Rights officers from prison.

Rip at the Virtual News Conference on the 21st, 2020. Ilhan Omar, speaking, is urging the US to withdraw from the G20 summit in Saudi Arabia next month until the state makes dramatic changes to human rights violations by the empire and liberates women. Rights officers from prison.

From November 21, Saudi Arabia will host a virtual summit of world leaders from its capital city of Riyadh. But, human rights violations have come to the fore and at the center as a growing list of leaders is preventing engagement with Saudi Arabia.

The European Parliament voted to reduce its participation in the G-20. The mayors of London, Paris, New York and Los Angeles boycotted the U-20 Urban Summit before the G20 over human rights concerns. And this fall Saudi Arabia failed to get a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council.

Jamal Khashoggi’s fianc અને and pro-democracy group Saudi Crown Prince MBS found in court.

Omar and Rep. Jan Scovsky, D-Il., Along with family members of prison workers, will call on the Trump administration on Wednesday to stand up for the women and detainees who have been tortured and killed by Saudi Arabia, including author Jamal Khashoggi.

“If we are to become a nation that stands up for human rights, justice and responsibility, it is important that the United States withdraw its full participation in this year’s G20 until it is hosted by Saudi Arabia and in Riyadh.” Skakowski said.

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The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The letter said the United States should not participate until the end of Saudi Arabia’s monarchy, “its record of human rights violations, reckless foreign policy and environmental destruction.”

Among the specific demands are: the release of human rights and women activists from prison, the real responsibility for Khashoggi’s murder, the end of the war in Yemen, the freedom of the press to report, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by state-owned Saudi armaments.

Lawmakers have raised special concerns for women in Saudi Arabia, calling for the abolition of the male-dominated system, repeal of laws giving husbands complete control over their wives, and clarification that marital rape is a crime.

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Today, human rights and civil society norms around the world are at risk, the letter said. “Our Government is committed to ensuring that G20 conventions are not used by host governments to obscure or conceal their own repressive and environmentally destructive practices.”