Riot Teases New “Murdered Swordsman” In Today’s Animated League Trailer, Offers Potential First Glimpse At Yone

Screenshot via Riot Games

Say League of Legends’ The next masked killer being tormented would be an understatement.

Riot joked today with a “murdered swordsman” in a short animated trailer called “The Path, an Ionian Myth”. While the company has yet to confirm this, many believe the champion is Yone, Yasuo’s older half brother.

The trailer begins with the swordsman waking up in a spirit world, reaching for his weapons that are no longer at his waist. A blue-tailed fox-like creature appears in the distance, taking the champion to a magical tree.

However, the swordsman is attracted by an evil force and is almost consumed by his anger and guilt. The champion then engages in a fierce battle with what probably symbolizes his past as he tries to reach his soul. Despite winning the sword fight, the evil force bit the new champion and has now become a masked assassin with a murderous internal battle.

Related: Riot Introduces New Spirit Blossom Skins For Yasuo, Thresh, Teemo, Vayne, And Lillia

If the swordsman is Yone, he probably has a bone to choose with Yasuo. The Unforgiven killed Yone in self-defense after being charged with a murder he did not commit.

The masked assassin will join Lillia, a dreamy new jungle who is ready to challenge the world in an effort to save her home.