Researchers suggest that alien planets in deep space may be made of diamonds

They say diamonds are the girl’s best friend, but what about the whole planet made of diamonds?

Newly published research suggests that some exoplanets in deep space made of large amounts of carbon could turn into diamonds.

Research published in the Journal of Planetary Science suggests that these “carbon-rich” planets may have the right conditions, such as water, heat, and pressure, to convert carbon into diamonds. These planets can also form other minerals found on Earth such as silicates and other cassides.

Diamond and silica carbon rich planet llustration as the main mineral.  Water carbide can transform a planet from a diamond-rich planet.  In the interior, the main minerals will be diamonds and silica (a layer of crystals in the picture).  The main (dark blue) can be an iron-carbon alloy.  Credit: Shim / ASU / Vectizi

Diamond and silica carbon rich planet llustration as the main mineral. Water carbide can transform a planet from a diamond-rich planet. In the interior, the main minerals will be diamonds and silica (a layer of crystals in the picture). The main (dark blue) can be an iron-carbon alloy. Credit: Shim / ASU / Vectizi

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“This ride is the opposite of anything else in our solar system,” Harrison Allen-Sutter, the study’s lead author, said in a statement.

In recent memory, researchers have discovered several planets that may contain diamonds, including Can 55 Cancri E, which were discovered in 2004.

The planets as well as the stars mostly consist of dust and gas. However, when the planets around the stars have high levels of carbon and water, a “diamond-rich composition” can be created.

For comparison purposes, Earth has a diamond component of about 0.001%.

The researchers wrote in the abstract of the study, “The excess water after the reaction can be stored in galsil silica polymorphs in the interior of the converted carbon planets.” “Such conversion of minerals into diamonds and silicates would reduce the density of the carbon-rich planet, causing the converted planets to differ from the silicate planets in mass-radius relationships for the Earth’s mass range 2-28.”

To advance their hypothesis, the researchers used pressure using high-pressure and high-pressure diamond-evil cells. From there, they place the silicone carbide under water and compress it between two diamonds, heating the mixture with a laser.

Eventually, silicon carbide turned into diamond and silica.

The presence of diamonds may be interesting for the late Marilyn Monroe, but these planets are unlikely to plan life, the researchers added. They noted that they were potential. Not geographically active and probably has an atmospheric environment that is not suitable to support life.

“This is an additional step to help us improve and understand the ever-increasing number of exoplanets and observations, regardless of habitat,” Alan-Sutter added in the statement. “The more we learn, the better we will be able to interpret new data from future missions such as the James Webb Web Space Telescope and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope to understand the world beyond our own solar system.”

As previously reported by Fox News, NASA’s James Webb Telescope is set to launch in October 2021 October, several months behind schedule due to a coronavirus epidemic.

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A total of more than 4,000 exoplanets have been discovered by NASA, of which about one was expected to be viable by September0, 2018. They have the right size and right orbit of their star to support surface water and at least theoretically, the base life.

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