Researchers believe that the U.S. In the ‘hundreds’ of people in the UK can strain the coronavirus

“If I were to guess, I’d say it’s probably in the hundreds,” said Michael Varobe, head of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. “It’s very possible that he reached many places many times.”

“Imagine the number of infected passengers from London – it’s growing rapidly,” said Trevor Bedford, an associate professor in the Department of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

British scientists have discovered the first known appearance of a new strain on September 20 in a county in south-east London.

Warobe and Bedford say they estimate the virus will reach the U.S. in mid-November. Would have arrived in.

Both scientists as well as others around the world have scrolled through the genetic sequence of coronavirus in the United States to see if there is a match. So far, they haven’t found any, but they say it’s possible because the U.S. The surveillance system is not catching them.

Health officials agree.

“You really need to believe it’s already here, and it’s certainly not an impressive strain, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s already here,” said Dr. John H. Snyder, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Anthony Fauci, said Tuesday.

“It could be in the United States, and we haven’t been able to locate it yet,” Health Admiral Brett Giroire said Monday.

The UK’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a scientific summary posted on its website on Tuesday that the UK’s coronavirus variant had not been identified in the United States through a series of efforts.

However, he says, about US ૧ 1,000. The case that he decided on has been done gradually – less than half a percent.

States dealing with a high number of coronavirus cases are imposing or extending health orders

The CDC said that a small proportion of U.S. infections have been observed, respectively, which could occur in the United States without detection.

To detect new mutations in the virus, samples are collected from infected patients and then the genetic index is passed, looking at the sequence of letters in its genetic code for anything new.

U.S. In, only a small number of samples go through this process.

November 15 – U.K. arrives in the UK. About the time the variant could come – about 300 people in the United States and about 9,000 people in the UK have been genetically indexed to the virus, Verube said.

“We’re flying blind,” Verube said. “Maybe this is just some other interesting type moving forward with higher frequency, but we’re not seeing it.”

On its website, the CDC notes that public databases contain about 275,000 full-genome sequences, 51,000 from the United States and 125,000 from the UK.

This difference is particularly acute in the UK. 1.1 million more than in the U.S. It is surprising considering that some more infections have been confirmed.

Health officials say research has so far shown that changes appear to make the virus more transmissible, but it does not appear that the variant causes a more serious disease. They also say that at this point, it looks like the vaccine will still work against the UK variant.

Last month, the CDC launched a strain surveillance program where states would send at least 10 samples bilaterally for analysis. The agency expects the program to be fully implemented in January.

Michael Nedelman of CNN contributed to this report.
