Research group Trump administration previously tried to release estimates of the death toll from the deadly COVID-19

By the end of the year, about 30 million people worldwide will die in Covid-19, according to a research institute once researched by the Trump administration, if governments do not tighten the requirements of social distance and make people more aware of wearing masks. There is a warning.

Washington School of Medicine at Washington University’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), U.S. The death toll in the country, which currently stands at around 188,000, could more than double to 400,000 by January 1.

And that’s not even the “bad case” scenario that IHME has revealed in its suicide report. In this model, four million people worldwide would die, and COVID-19 would cause U.S. deaths. More than 620,000 people will die, researchers say.

In the “best case scenario”, two million people worldwide will die by the end of the year, with 257,286 to 327,775 Kovid-19 casualties in the U.S.

The director of IHME, Dr. “We are facing the possibility of a deadly December, especially in Europe, Central Asia and the United States,” Christopher Murray warned. “But the science is clear and the evidence is unreliable: mask-wearing, social distance and social gathering limits are important to help prevent virus transmission.”

In part, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in the early days of the epidemic, IHME was criticized by President Donald Trump and his team for using the U.S. Proceeded as evidence of coming under the control of Covid-19. – And that’s wrong.

Right now, the “mostly” scenario is that 2.8 million people will die if “the use of personal masks and other mitigation measures remains the same,” Murray’s team said.

Among the IMHE models, the countries that have lost the most people are India and the United States.

Currently, more than 188,000 people have died in nearly 6.2 million confirmed cases in the United States, both world leading figures, according to the latest figures from NBC News.

According to Johns Hopkins University’s COVID-19 dashboard, the U.S. now accounts for more than a quarter of more than 26 million cases and a fifth of the deaths of about 870,000 people.

Brazil is next with 124,614 deaths, followed by India with 68,472 on the dashboard.

Murray, in an IHME publication, acknowledged that his circumstances “show a significant increase over current total deaths, estimated at about 910,000 worldwide.” But he said the epidemic “follows the same seasonal patterns as pneumonia, which means that when the weather cools, the northern hemisphere countries are more likely to have waves again.”

“People in the Northern Hemisphere should be especially vigilant as winter approaches, as coronaviruses, such as pneumonia, will be more prevalent in colder climates.”

In July, a top spokesman for the World Health Organization said the epidemic was not seasonal, but “a big wave.”

“This virus likes all weather,” Dr. Said Margaret Harris.

Other COVID-19 developments:

  • The U.S. economy added 1.4 million jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 4.4 percent – down from 10 percent for the first time since the epidemic began. “Great Jobs Numbers!” Trump added pride in a tweet. Economists were much less impressed by the NBC News report. “We have gained three big-month jobs, but lost less than half so far in March and April,” said Dan North, a senior economist at Euler Hermes North America. “By now the job income might have been easier to get, where the business resumed and returned to its employees.”

  • FBI and state investigators raided a Pennsylvania nursing home on Thursday where hundreds of residents and staff members tested positive for coronavirus and dozens died. Brighton Rehabilitation and Wellness Center. Located northeast of Pittsburgh, the flag was hoisted just before the epidemic for dangerous conditions, NBC News reported in April.

  • Florida has banned local health officials from releasing detailed information about the new COVID-19 case in public schools, Orlando Sentinel said. Asking the state health official in Orange County about the “first possible case of a student-teacher transition,” the newspaper discovered the discovery, “because it’s confidential, so I can’t present that data to the public in that format,” said Dr. Raul Pino. A spokesman for Orange County Public Schools said they would continue to disclose general epidemic information to the public. Schools have recently reopened over objections from teachers who say they are being forced to work in unsafe conditions, and the state files thousands of new cases every day. The Florida Department of Health has denied the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating “Similar, baseless allegations concerning Florida’s health have been made more than once.