Republicans hit back at John Kerry over ‘terrible’ Iran deal after DNC speech

The Trump campaign reacted quickly to the breadth of John Kerry against what he called failures of President Trump’s foreign policy and reminded the former Secretary of State about Iran’s controversial 2015 nuclear deal.


“John Kerry and Joe Biden sent pallets of cash to Iran and supported the terrible Iran deal,” Trump’s War Room tweeted. “They betrayed Israel and helped Iran secure terrorist financing instead of keeping Americans safe.”

Kerry spoke during the second night of the Democratic National Convention and criticized Trump for the failure of American troops abroad and saw fools during diplomatic trips. He said Trump was coming out a clumsy and turning these visits into a ‘blooper really.’

Trump announced in 2018 his decision to withdraw the US from the deal he called “terrible, one-sided” and should never have been made.

Harry J. Kazianis, a senior director at the Center for the National Interest, wrote on that “the agreement has always been nothing more than a gigantic Band-Aid on Iran’s obvious nuclear weapons endeavor – which pursues these ambitions. for about 10 years, but never really solved the problem. Instead, the deal just kicked the nuclear can out of the way. “

The Associated Press reported that the money Iran received at the time of the US Treasury was about $ 1.8 billion, but was Tehran’s own money. “It was an old IOU to pay,” the AP reported.

Following the nuclear deal, the US and Iran announced that they had settled the matter, with the US agreeing to pay the capital of $ 400 million along with about $ 1.3 billion in interest. The $ 400 million was paid for in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane. The arrangement later paid the interest.

The Republican Jewish coalition struck down Kerry on Tuesday over the deal.


“John Kerry is lying about the Iran deal. What is amazing is that there is evidence that Iran has never followed through on the deal. The UN confirms that Iran violates all aspects of the deal. He gave Iran everything, got nothing and made the world less secure, “the group tweeted.

The Associated Press contributed to this report