Republicans capture Schumer’s ‘Tech Georgia’ remarks in new ad

Republicansen Sen. Chuck Schumer captured Saturday’s criticism, when he told the young New Yorkers celebrating Biden’s election victory, “Now let’s take Georgia, then we’ll change the world.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution report states that the National Republican Senatorial Committee – within hours – took the Senate minority leader’s remarks and warned the country that the Peach State was “the last line of defense against socialism.”

The decision to take control of the Senate in Georgia will not be made until January 5.

Biden was elected President only after crossing the threshold of 270 election votes. However, the Fox News Decision Desk is still not projected to be the winner in Georgia, where Biden puts Trump ahead by a razor-thin margin of nearly 10,000 votes.

The Associated Press reports that there are 48 Republicans and 48 Democrats for the next Senate after last week’s election. Georgia’s election rules require legislators to get more than 50% of the vote to win a seat.

Republican Sen. David Perduno against Democrat John Osof. 49.7878% and ss safna.97..9%. Republican Sen. Kelly Loffler Democrat Rev. Raphael will face Warnak. Lofler finished with 25.94% of the vote and Warnock with 32.89%.

The Journal-Constitution noted that the four candidates running in the runoff election were all “inextricably linked” to each other. A goofy loafler can be harmed by a parody. An attack on Vernonck could free Osof. “

Democrats managed to control the House and see the Senate as the ultimate goal in Washington to hold on to power levers.

Steven Law, president of the Senate Leadership Fund, the Super PAC, has teamed up with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and said he is ready for a tough fight in the next two months.

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“These two races would mean the difference between the Democrats destroying minority rights, packing the Supreme Court and creating new states, a healthy scrutiny on their far-left agenda. We were still the largest group on the right. Georgia this fall, and we We are going beyond that for runoffs, ”he said.

Fox News’ Marissa Schultz, Thomas Barabi, Morgan Phillips and the Associated Press contributed to this report.