Republican congressman calls for dissolution of coronavirus task force to ensure Trump ‘is not undermined’


Representative Andy Biggs, a Republican from Arizona, is calling for the White House Covid-19 task force to be dissolved so that “President Trump’s message is not mitigated or distorted,” and Biggs says it is “imperative” that the President “not undermined in his mission to return our economy to greatness.”


The United States Department of Labor released data on Thursday showing 4.8 million jobs were added last month and the unemployment rate fell to 11.1%.

Biggs, president of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, released a statement Thursday afternoon celebrating those numbers and claiming that the Administration’s own medical experts are interfering in the country’s economic recovery.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx continue to contradict many of the goals and actions declared by President Trump to return to normal,” said Biggs.

At a Senate committee hearing Tuesday, Dr. Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease specialist, warned that the country was headed in the “wrong direction” and urged greater caution.

On Wednesday, more than 50.00 new cases of coronavirus were reported in the United States, a one-day record.

Biggs’ home state of Arizona reported nearly 4,900 additional Covid cases and 88 new deaths Wednesday, record levels in both categories.

As of Thursday, 2.7 million Americans have been infected with the virus, which has resulted in at least 128,400 deaths.

It seems that by citing data related to the increase in cases and hospitalizations, and the inherent dangers those spikes could present in the future, Biggs feels that White House health experts are “causing panic that compromises our economic recovery.”

Key Background:

Biggs is one of many prominent Republicans who recently lashed out at Fauci and other authorities. At Tuesday’s Senate hearing, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky aggressively questioned the guidance of federal health experts. “We should not assume that a group of experts somehow knows what is best for everyone,” said Paul. He also suggested that government health officials “be cautious in their predictions” and yield some authority. “All I hear, Dr. Fauci, is: ‘We can’t do this, we can’t do that. We can’t play baseball, “said Paul. Earlier this week, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said he would stop listening to Fauci.” He’s been wrong every time on every subject, “Patrick told Fox News. I no longer need his advice.

Critical quote:

“I think we should be a little humble in our belief that we know what’s best for the economy, and as much as I respect it, Dr. Fauci, I don’t think it’s the end.” Senator Rand Paul said in late May. “I don’t think you’re the only person who makes the decision.”


25%: The United States represents less than 5% of the world population, however (according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins) it represents approximately 25% of the world’s Covid-19 cases and 25% of coronavirus-related deaths.

Further reading:

Rand Paul to federal health officials: “We should not assume that a group of experts somehow knows what is best” (Forbes)

Congressman Biggs applauds President Trump’s leadership of the great American comeback (
