Rep. Waltz, former Green Beret, warns against Susan Rice as VP pick: I was on the verge of her ‘bad judgment’

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice is not fit to be vice president because her policy ideas cannot be implemented amid the “kind of threats the United States has around the world,” Rep said. Michael Waltz, R-Fla., On Monday.

“I was at the forefront of the bad judgment, bad policy of Susan Rice, she would be bad for our military and dangerous for this country,” the former Green Beret commander told “Fox & Friends.”

‘I had to lead the search for Bowe Bergdahl, where men died in search of him. He left his unit and then watched Susan Rice declare himself a hero who served with honor and distinction after all that was just a slap in the face to me and it was a slap in the face to everyone who ‘ t was looking for him, ‘said Waltz.


Rice, who is rumored to be on the shortlist of Joe Biden’s running mate, denies what she has described as “harping” Republicans over her role in the Obama administration’s response to the Terre attack in Benghazi in 2012.

Rice blows Republicans out for failing to call for some sort of raid when, “under Donald Trump’s wait, three Americans were killed at a U.S. military base in Pensacola, Fla., Inspired last year in a terrorist attack by Al Qaeda.

It appears to be the first foreign-directed terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 – “because the Department of Defense failed the Saudi military trained on that basis,” she said in an interview with The Atlantic. “But no investigation, no annoyance, no boo from Congressional Republicans.”


Waltz said Rice “refuses to call a terrorist a terrorist by calling her an extremist.”

“Year after year of cutting the army’s budget, it would put our foreign policy backwards, not forwards,” Waltz said.

‘She was responsible for the worst of Obama-Biden’s foreign policy: Russia on the march, China on the march in the South China Sea, the Iran deal, embracing Cuba, embracing Venezuela, ignoring North Korea and their missile and nuclear programs. At the end of the day, Rice, Biden, Obama see America as part of the problem, not part of the solution so [the policy] was withdrawn and apologized. ”

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.