Renewable energy mining can damage biodiversity if we are not careful

A wind turbine at Phu Luck Wind Farm in Binh Thuan Province, South Vietnam.

A wind turbine at Phu Luck Wind Farm in Binh Thuan Province, South Vietnam.
Photo: Manan Vatsyayan / AFP (Getty Images)

Currently, only 17% of the world’s renewal comes from renewable sources. The lion’s share still comes from planet-warming fossil fuels. It is clear that we need to change that ratio quickly in order to curb greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the climate crisis.

Renewable construction requires intensive mining for metal to build wind turbines, solar panels and other infrastructure for building infrastructure.. If not done carefully, the rush to innovate can be a major threat to biodiversity. Inside Study Published in Nature Communications On Tuesday, scientists focused specifically on one effect: the loss of housing due to the expansion of mining operations.

The authors defined mining areas around the world for the 40 key materials needed to generate renewable produce. The list included bulk metals such as iron and aluminum, minerals were traditionally made in small quantities such as cobalt and lithium, and specialty rare e.Earth elements Used to produce specific elements of renewable technology such as scandium.

They found that between currently operating operating sites and planned sites, mining affects about 20 million square miles (50 million square kilometers) of the Earth’s surface. Eight-two percent It targets materials in the mining sector that are used in the production of renewable energy. To see how these mining sites could destroy critical habitats, researchers overlapped maps of their current and planned mining sites with maps of areas considered important for governments’ habitat protection.. The research breaks down those conservation areas that are already protected areas, key areas for biodiversity and what is considered a forest.

  A map of the authors' global mining areas and their density.

A map of the authors’ global mining areas and their density.
Graphic: Nature

The combination of the two maps paints a scary picture. The authors found that 8% of current and planned mining areas overlap nationally. Designated pRotates aAgain, with 7% thatey bIodine diversity a16% with reas, and remaining wBenign sites, which are considered an important priority for the prevention of biodegradable iversity.

“These locations occur globally and are considered critical to the survival of many species threatened by other stressors such as climate change,” said Laura Sonter, lead author of a new study and research fellow at the University of Brisbane, Brisbane. Laura Sonter, lead author of the study and research fellow, said in an email. . “Mining at this site could add to the pressure.”

In a special investigation of pre-operational mines, the authors also found that items planned for renewable materials appeared to be more densely packed than targeting other materials. Sonter said this is getting into trouble.

“The growing number of mines operating in an area may have a greater impact on biodiversity than a single mine,” he said, “although more research is needed to demonstrate this in practice.”

Ecological Consequences of Minerals Used in Renewable Energy Release Technology Can already be seen in parts of the world. Mungabe, in the Republic of Guinea in West Africa Report Found bauxite (highest source) Aluminum) Mining is a serious threat to endangered western chimpanzee populations. And on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, Mungabe learned that a Nickel mine The degradation of habitat has critically put pressure on endangered species such as the black macaque monkey.

Without careful planning, we will see more of this in the future. Metal Mines is currently Works for Biodiversity regions Such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is home to jungles, forests and forests full of monkeys and elephants, and parts Madagascar That is Endangered home Mittermeier’s sporty lamer. But if we consider these risks, We can reduce this loss.

An important way to curb the ecological action of renewable energy is to increase efficiency, which Reduces The amount of material required. Renewable industries can also work Recycle Content as much as possible. The authors of the new study say policymakers should also establish clear boundaries for areas that cannot be touched by mines. Such policies are crucial because we cannot solve the weather crisis by making it worse Ecological one manifest.

“The good news is that our study suggests that essential materials outside areas critical to biodiversity also exist,” Sonter said. “In order to generate renewable producing energy and avoid potential trade barriers between species and ecosystem conservation, we need to identify endangered sites and species and ensure that new mines do not inadvertently lead to their extinction.”
