Remains of two killed in Vesuvius eruption at Pompeii found

ROME – Excavations at a suburban villa outside this month’s ancient Pompeii have unearthed the remains of two indigenous people who were stabilized in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius about 2,000 years ago.

The discovery of two victims – identified by archaeologists as temporarily wealthy Pompeii landowners and a minor slave – gave a new insight into the eruption, burying the ancient Roman city, which has been a popular attraction since its new discovery in the 18th century. Is. .

“This discovery is an incredible font of knowledge for us,” said Masimo Osana, departure director of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, in a video released by the Ministry of Culture on Saturday. He noted that it was also “a touching discovery of great emotional impact.”

For one thing, both were dressed in w, confirming the belief that the October outbreak occurred in October instead of the August Gust of the year previously thought, Mr Osana later said in a telephone interview.

Vesuvius’s outburst was described by Roman magistrate Pliny the Younger in a witness account as “an extraordinary and terrifying sight.” By the time King Charles III of Bourbon began the first official excavations of the site, by 1748, Pompeii and neighboring towns, buried with ash, pumice, and stones, were largely inactive.

Since then, much of the ancient city has been carved out, providing archaeologists and historians with a wealth of information about how the ancient inhabitants lived, from the decor of their homes, to the tools they used to eat.

Using the method refined by the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli in 1863 and honored with modern technology, archaeologists last week created plaster casts of two newly discovered victims. It brings together more than 100 Postal putalaonum Pompei is eternity.

Archaeologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before reaching the final conclusions about the origin of the species. W targets agreed their clothes as “extraordinary drepari”.

“They seem to really like the statues,” he said.

Archaeologists say both victims took refuge in underground cryptoparticles or corridors before being filled with fountains of pumice stones, ash and lapelina.

“They probably died by ther thermal shock, as indicated by the compressed limbs, arms and legs,” Mr Osanna said in the video, adding that DNA testing was performed on the modified bones. Pompeii officials believe the old man is between 30 and 40 years old, and the youngest between 18 and 23.

About 750 yards northwest of the ancient walls of Pompeii is the villa in Civita Giuliana, where the villa is located, including a purebred horse with an open bronze saddle saddle in 2018, an important discovery.

Although the archeological park was closed to visitors on November 6 due to a coronavirus ban, excavations at the site are still ongoing.

The first villas at Sivita Juliana were soon excavated in 1907 and 1908. But since it was on private property, it was not the type of government-run excavation on public land. That changed in 2017, when lawyers in nearby Torre Annuziata accused a group of people of looting graves and looting the site using an underground tunnel.

The Ministry of Culture is preparing to buy the land where the villa is located, and Mr Osanna said he hopes it can eventually open to the public.

With more than 30 acres of excavations left, Pompeii has become “an incredible place for research, study and training,” Culture Minister Dario Francini said in a statement on Saturday. He said, “Today is a mission for future archaeologists”.