Registered Foreign Agent Pam Bondi Accuses Joe Biden of Self-Trafficking in Republican Convention Speech

Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, a registered lobbyist for the Qatari government, claimed that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was engaging in self-harm and nepotism during Tuesday night’s speech at the Republican National Convention.

“I’ve fought corruption, and I know what it looks like – whether it’s done by people with pinstripe suits or orange jumpsuits,” Bondi said. “But if you look at it [Biden’s] 47-year career in politics, the people who benefit are his family members – not the American people. “

Bondi told confidential allegations from the indictment against President Donald Trump, and asked Biden’s motives to persuade the Ukrainian government to dismiss a prosecutor for whom the US and its Western allies believed were corrupt.

“We all know about Joe’s son, Hunter Biden. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine or in the energy sector. None,” Bondi said. “Yet he was paid millions for doing nothing.”

Although these accusations have long been denied, Bondi reappeared.

Bondi was hired by the White House as a consultant in indictment proceedings. She was also photographed multiple times with Lev Parnas, one of Rudy Giuliani’s colleagues, who, along with business partner Igor Fruman, acted as go-betweens and translators during the former LifeLock spokesman’s campaign to dig up dirt on Biden in Ukraine .

Parnas and Fruman are currently being prosecuted in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) as part of a broader investigation, which is now said to be expanding to Giuliani.

“Obviously Lev Parnas likes to take pictures with a lot of people,” Bondi said in an interview with NBC’s Today Show. “He appeared pretty much everywhere at events where Republicans were.”

When Bondi was elected as the Attorney General of the Sunshine State, her transition team included a South Florida-based white-collar lawyer named Jon Sale. Giuliani told Salon that Sale, a friend of the law school who worked with him at the SDNY, was the person who linked him to Parnassus. Sale was also among a number of Giuliani associates who assessed the sham of Parnassus Fraud Guarantee prior to securing a $ 500,000 loan from a Long Island personal injury lawyer named Charles Gucciardo, who was paid to Giuliani on behalf of Fraud Guarantee.

When the White House hired Bondi last fall, she cut off her lobbying work on behalf of the Qatari government, which she had represented in her capacity as senior partner at Washington’s lobby store, Ballard Partners. The company is managed by Brian Ballard, a leading Republican fundraiser with close ties to President Donald Trump.

In April 2020, Bondi re-registered as Qatar’s foreign agent, again in her capacity with Ballard Partners.

Federal authorities hired Ballard Partners in November 2019 as part of the investigation into Giuliani’s employees. Brian Ballard had paid Parnas at least $ 22,500 to refer the case to the Turkish government, which in May 2017 agreed with Ballard Partners to pay $ 1.5 million the following year. It then renewed the contract one year later for $ 750,000, according to federal lobbying data.

The month before Bondi joined the White House impeachment team, the Ministry of Justice accused the State Bank of Turkey Halkbank – then a Ballard client – of evading sanctions from Iran.

The US government is currently accusing Qatar of bribing FIFA executive committee officials to grant the Middle East privileges for the 2022 World Cup.

Bondi’s relationship with Trump, which dates back several years, has come under control earlier. In 2013, when Bondi was attorney general in Florida, the Trump Foundation – the shame of the president, now defunct charity – made an illegal donation of $ 25,000 to a group affiliated with Bondi, while her office mule was to open an investigation into Trump University. Bondi’s office chose not to investigate.

The Trump Foundation closes at the end of 2018 amid accusations by New York’s attorney general of “a shocking pattern of illegality,” including improper coordination with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

As part of a scheme in that investigation, Trump’s three adult children – who were officers at the foundation – were forced to take mandatory training to ensure they did not repeat the misconduct in the future.

The day before Bondi’s address to the Republican National Committee, the attorney general’s office asked a judge to compel one of those children, Eric Trump, to testify in an ongoing civil investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s private affairs the value of their assets commissioned to secure loans as well as other tax and financial benefits.

Eric Trump spoke to Bondi on Tuesday night.