Reckful: Byron Bernstein’s Serpentine of Contractions Dies at 31 | Game | Entertainment

Twitch broadcaster Byron ‘Reckful’ Bernstein reportedly died at the age of just 31. Reckful is a former eSports player, known for his achievements with World of Warcraft, who had amassed hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitch. At time of writing, the Reckful channel on Twitch is playing an old broadcast that is being watched by tens of thousands of people, with the video’s comment section awash in tributes to the transmitter.

The news of Reckful’s death was reported on Twitter tonight by eSports journalist Rod Breslau.

Breslau tweeted: “Reckful’s death has been confirmed by his roommate. Byron was 31 years old.”

Breslau’s tweet came after Reckful’s ex-girlfriend also went to the social media site to reveal that the Twitch transmitter had passed away.

Around 5pm, the ex-girlfriend of BST Reckful posted on Twitter: “Yes, it’s him. He’s gone.”

In the wake of the news, emerging tributes to Reckful have emerged from many corners of the gaming community.

Twitch streamer partner Lirik posted: “RIP Reckful. Absolutely Stunned. Man is and always will be an absolute legend.”

While @Nightbloo tweeted, “This is heartbreaking news. I didn’t know him very well personally, but in the past, seeing Reckful was my great inspiration to start streaming to me.

“He was a very kind soul who deserved much better.

Rest in peace, we will miss you very much. “

Popular FIFA streamer Castro posted: “RIP Reckful. <3".

While Twitch personality Asmongold added: “RIP Reckful.

“I hope it is a wake-up call for all who create a reward structure around ridiculing and mocking mental illness.

“We can be better as a community and we will be better.”

And content creator Jack ‘CouRage’ Dunlop posted: “Rest in peace, reckless.

“What a terrible tragedy. You can say it meant a lot to so many people.”

Reckful fans worried about his well-being after a series of messages he posted on Twitter today.

The 31-year-old man, known for his eSports achievements in World of Warcraft and his Twitch channel, reportedly killed himself.

Reckful’s Twitch channel had nearly a million followers. During his eSports career, Bernstein was one of the best WoW players in the world.

One of Reckful’s biggest eSports achievements was achieving rank one in six consecutive World of Warcraft seasons.

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