Recipient of Florida State alleges FSU negligence in coronavirus protocols

After Florida State Seminoles tweeted football-wide receiver DJ Matthews, then revealed that he had tested positive for COVID-19, fellow receiver Warren Thompson claims that FSU officials did not follow the protocols praised by the administration when Florida Gov. . Ron DeSantis met with head coach Mike Norvell, president John Thrasher, athletic director David Coburn and players Joshua Kaindoh and Keyshawn Helton.

Thompson posted the following on Instagram and Twitter:

Being a student athlete is difficult at this time and the good guidance regarding these issues does not exist.

During this entire week of camp, I have been borrowed multiple times about the health conditions of players other than myself. It has been shown to myself and the rest that our leadership is based on an “I” mentality with them only worrying about their own future instead of about their own athletes.

I’m ridiculous about talking about this issue and it needs to be addressed for myself to get the season going safely. I’m an introvert myself, which means my days go by being at the football facilities and being home day in and day out.

I have done my best to take the right precautions for myself and my teammates, to strive for a healthy environment in these radical times. I want to play for Florida State University and have a great season for myself and our supporters. The lies of our leaders have put me in the corner and endangered my overall well-being.

Ignoring to respond to this issue is very concerning and why I drew attention to it. I have placed 1000% in this team and my own craft. I have a lot to prove to the world and this problem is getting bigger, potentially preventing that from happening because I have spoken to them!

-Warren J

Thompson was possibly not alone in his criticism, as several other players tweeted twenty comments under the round table and today, although some tweets have not been embedded because they have not been confirmed to relate.

247Sports reports that players who have been in contact with Matthews will be quarantined.

“When they come in the morning, they check temperature and symptom, they have to answer a set of questions and then they get tied up,” Coburn said on Tuesday. ‘And they are kept separate from the rest of the athletic department’s staff. They are socially distant in their meetings. They are required to wear masks throughout the building and on the way to and from practice. So we’re testing weekly now and we’ll probably go after the two week testing. Anyone who gets a positive test result, we work hard on them. And we did that. We will continue this. That we are very comfortable that we have done what the medical people have … in fact, above and beyond what the medical people have advised. “