Ray Fisher Back Fire Warner Bros. – Deadline

Update: Ray Fisher has responded to Warner Bros. ‘s statement. Complaints about “gross, abusive” behavior on his set Justice League. Fisher appeared as “Cyborg” in the film.

The studio released a statement on Friday claiming that Fisher was not responding to investigators investigating their allegations that film director Jose Whedon was abusive.

Fisher responded this morning by tweeting.

“Thank you for the support and for the desperate and sporadic efforts to defame me through @Wbpictures to save those in power.

Initial: Warner Bros. It issued a statement tonight regarding its investigation Justice League The post-complaints production was aired by Ray Fisher, who played “Cyborg” in the film.

Allegations of director Jose Whedon’s “gross, abusive” behavior on the set came in the wake of Fisher’s tweet on July 1. Weden proceeded to complete directing Justice League When director Zac Snyder quit production due to a family tragedy.

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“Justice Weiden’s Justice League cast and crew’s on-set treatment was gross, abusive, unprofessional and completely unacceptable. They were enabled in many ways by Geoff Jones and John Berg. Responsibility> Entertainment,” Fisher retweeted in July.

Today Fisher tweeted: “So you can better understand how deeper this goes: after talking about Justice League, I got a call from the president of DC Films in which he tried to throw Jose John and John Berg under the bus saying that I would trust Jones off. I will not. A> E ”

In response to a hint that Fisher had spoken to DC Films boss Verter Hamada in his tweet, Werner Bros. came to the full defense of the executive, and clarified his position with the cyborg actor: Justice League, To date, Mr. Fisher has refused to speak to investigators. ‘

A Warner Bros. spokesman issued a statement tonight on behalf of the company:

“In July, representatives of Ray Fisher Asked DC Films President Verter Hamada will talk to Mr. Fisher about his concerns during its production. Justice League. The two had spoken earlier When Mr. Hamada asked him to re-publish his role as a cyborg in Warner Bros. ‘Next Flash The film, along with other members of the Justice League.

“In their July conversation, Mr. Fisher spoke of his disagreements with the film’s creative team over his portrayal of Cyborg and complained that his suggested script improvements had not been adopted. Mr. Hamada explained that constructive differences are a normal part of the production process, and ultimately the writer / director of the film will have to handle these matters.

“It is noteworthy that Mr. Hamada also told Mr. Fisher that he would raise his concerns in the war media so that he could investigate. Mr. Hamada never threw anyone under the bus because Mr. Fisher made a false claim, or presented any judgments about this. Justice League Production, in which Mr. Hamada had no involvement, as the shooting took place before Mr. Hamada was promoted to his current position.

While Mr. Fisher never accused him of misconduct, Warnermedia began investigating concerns about the portrayal of his character. Not yet satisfied, Mr. Fisher insisted that WarnerMedia appoint an independent third party investigator.

“The investigator tried several times to discuss his concerns with Mr Fisher, but to date Mr Fisher has refused to speak to the investigator. Warner Bros. is responsible for each of its productions and for the well-being of every cast and crew member. Is also committed to investigating any specific and credible allegation of misconduct, which Mr. Fisher has thus failed to provide. “